University Library

You are welcome!

McPherson University Library was established alongside its parent institution, McPherson University. The University Librarian (UL) as the academic and administrative head of the Library has full responsibility for its day-to-day running. Its ample space provides accommodation for one hundred and twenty readers excluding staff offices, technical services rooms, the e-Library, exhibition area, work room and the stack areas.



The primary objective of the Library is to make available to users services designed to facilitate the provision of materials for research and teaching in all colleges within the university. To achieve this objective, the Library makes every effort to acquire, organize and disseminate information materials in print and non-print formats relevant to the needs of stidemts, the academic community, other researchers and its immediate community.


McPherson University Library was established alongside its parent institution in October 2012. The University Librarian (UL) who is its administrative and academic head has responsibility for the day-to-day running of the library and the development of each of its departments. He also reports to the Vice-Chancellor on matters affecting the library. He is assisted by other professional librarians who coordinate and supervise activities in the various sections within the library system and report to him on daily basis. The following sections are operational in the Library: 1. Acquisitions Section 2. Cataloguing Section 3. Readers’ Services Section 4. Reference Section 5. Serials Section 6. E-Library Section

  Acquisition Section

The Acquisition section is responsible for library stock development. This is done in cooperation with the academic staff who are encouraged to recommend books and journals in their respective areas of specialization so as to ensure a balanced collection. This section is also responsible for processing and acquiring such recommended materials based on laid down procedures. Students are also encouraged to recommend materials for purchase

  Cataloguing Section

The Cataloguing Section is responsible for processing all library materials acquired using the Library of Congress Classification Scheme. It is responsible for maintaining all library catalogues, analogue and digital. It also publishes from time-to-time “New Acquisitions Lists” designed to keep library users abreast of new additions to the library collection. The library maintains an On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) which is updated on daily basis. The analogue card catalogue is gradually being phased out. This section of the library is out of bounds to non-library staff.

  Readers’ Services Section

This section is made up of the following two units: Circulation and Reserved Books Units. The section is in charge of circulation of library materials. It is often referred to as the image maker of the Library. It supervises the general reading areas as well as the Open Access Collections. This Unit also has direct contact with library users for registration, charging and discharging of information materials such as books and other materials. The Circulation Librarian and Library Assistants assigned to this Unit are always around to assist with the various activities carried out here.

  Reserved Books Unit

This unit is under the Readers’ Services Section of the Library. Books placed in this unit are are often in high demand by library users. Most of these books are placed at the discretion of the Library or lecturers who intend to refer their students to such books from time-to-time. All the books placed in this unit can be borrowed and used on two hourly basis so they can go round all the users. The books can also be borrowed for weekend use starting from 2.00pm on Friday and returnable at 9.00am the following Monday. Failure to return reserved books at the due time attracts a token fine.

  Reference Section

The Reference Section provides reference services to all categories of users. This section is headed by a Reference Librarian whose major duty is to assist readers who have challenges in getting information from the available library resources for their study, research and teaching. The following are the specific services rendered in this section: i. Provision of answers to specific reference asked by users; ii. Guiding users to locate specific materials; iii. Instructing readers on the use of library catalogues and reference tools such as: indexes, abstracts, indexes and other materials; iv. Provision of inter-library loan services and issuing Letters of Introduction to registered members of the library who intend to use other libraries’ resources when such required materials are not available in McU library. v. Locating and provision of a variety of resources capable of satisfying the specific needs of all the library users.

  Serials Section

This is the section where all periodicals and related publications are selected, ordered, received, processed and shelved. It has current and past issues of both foreign and local journals, newspapers, magazines, special collections such as government publications, inaugural lecture series and all other materials that are in the serial category. For easy access to this collection, the library publishes from time-to-time lists of serial holdings in the library. The Serial Librarian is available most of the time to assist readers who may want to make use of these resources. Current local and international newspapers and magazines are also available for use in this section.

  E-Library Section

In the e-Library located near the Circulation Section, users have access to a wide variety of electronic resources such as on-line databases, e-journals and e-journal sites, academic websites, e-books, etc where they can get information to enhance their academic research. The e-Library has 20 workstations connected to the Internet for students’ and lecturers’ use. Every staff and student is given personal username and password to enable them connect to the campus Internet when they carry out their research on-line. Library staff are available to assist library users in maximizing their use of the facility.

  Library Registration

Each library user is expected to register with the library. All students are expected to renew their registration at the beginning of each session. Outsiders who wish to use the library may be allowed to register if their applications are approved.
Students from other universities and tertiary institutions are also allowed to use the library for reference only. Such students must present letters of introduction from their respective institutions.

Each student is required at the beginning of every session to present his/her ‘Eligibility for Registration’ certificate to the staff at the Circulation Desk following which he/she will be given the library registration form for completion.

All bona fide staff (academic and non-teaching) are entitled to use the library once they have completed the stipulated registration requirements. Academic staff are entitled to borrow ten books for one month while non-teaching staff may borrow four books for two weeks.

  Library Services

The library offers the following services:

  1. Bibliographic
  2. Serials
  3. Reference
  4. Home Lending
  5. User Education and Information Literacy Training
  6. Reserve Book Services
  7. Inter-Library Loans, etc.

Bibliographic Services: At McU Library, we provide current awareness services including:

Catalogue of Serials Received in the Library.

Indexes of News and Articles in Selected Nigerian Newspapers and Magazines.

Current Contents of Periodicals Newly Received in the library.

Serial Services: The Serial Room houses journals and other collections, It is open to McU students, lecturers and information users from other institutions on request.

Reference Service: Reference queries are handled by the Reference Librarian (person-to-person service) throughout library opening hours.

Home Lending Services: Each registered student is entitled to borrow four (4) books for two (2) weeks while lecturers are entitled to ten (10) books for four (4) weeks each.

User education: Periodic training of students on how to access and use the library and its resources efficiently are offered two weeks after all registration of students have been completed and from time-to-time as may be demanded.

Reserve Book Services: Books in high demand and those recommended by lecturers are shelved in this section. Books in this collection can only be consulted within the library. Such books can also be borrowed for weekend use starting from 2:00pm on Friday returnable by 9.00am the following Monday

Inter-Library Loan Services:  Materials not available in McU Library may be borrowed from other libraries in Nigeria provided the owner library is willing to release such materials.  Such materials may only be used within the library to minimize loss or mutilation.  Referral letters may also be given to McU students who wish to use the facilities of other Nigerian universities, particularly during long vacation periods.

Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) Services: This is a personalized service. Information on researchers’ profile, subject interests are gathered by the library with the aim of notifying  them about new materials that may be of interest to them as such materials arrive in the library

Current Awareness Services: This service which is of a general nature is designed to call the attention of library users to newly acquired materials.  New books and journals are displayed in designated areas in the library for a specific period for library users to see and inspect.  Also, New Addition Bulletins are published from time-to-time and distributed to faculty members to sensitize them about new materials in the library.


In addition to print resources, McU Library also has a large collection of e-resources. They include e-books, e-journals, e-indexes and abstracts, databases, cd-roms, etc all of which are kept in the e-Library for use by the university community.  The e-Library is opened throughout library opening hours with an e-Librarian on hand to attend to the needs of users.

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Library Opening Hours

During Session
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 9:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 2:00pm

During Vacation
Monday – Friday: 8:30am – 6:00pm
Saturday: Closed