Academic Regulations of Course System

  • Duration and Unit Values of the Courses

The full degree programme will last for four years while direct entry programme will last for three years. In compliance with the stipulation in the National Universities Commission (NUC) “Course system and Grade Point Average” document, every full time student in this Department shall be required to register for a minimum of 16 Credit Units per semester and a maximum of 24 Credit Units except for other circumstances. The Credit unit is used as a measure of course weighting and contact hours as well as an indicator of student’s workload. For example, two units represent two hours of lecture.

  • Core/Compulsory Course

Courses so categorized must be taken and passed before any student can graduate in any degree programme.

  • Elective Course 

Courses designated as electives are left for students to choose to make up their work load or degree requirements.

  • Pre-Requisite Course

A pre-requisite course is one which must be taken and passed before a student is allowed to register for another course, usually a more advanced one to which that course is a pre-requisite. Usually, pre-requisite courses are so designated, but in general, courses at lower levels are considered as pre-requisites for the courses at higher levels within the same degree programme.

  • Probation and Withdrawal

i. Any student who has a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of less than 1.50 at the end of an academic session shall be on probation.

ii. Any student that scores a CGPA of less than 1.50 in two consecutive semesters shall be required to withdraw from the programme.

iii. A student who absents himself for two consecutive semesters without acceptable reasons may be asked to withdraw from the University irrespective of his cumulative grade point average.  A student for good reasons and after the approval of Senate can suspend his programme of study for an approved period, which shall not normally exceed one session.

iv. A student may be expelled on the basis of established case of examination misconduct or any actions likely to cause breach of peace. Such actions include cultism, vandalism, or gross misconduct as may be determined by the laws of the University. Such a student will however have opportunity to defend himself before the Students’ Disciplinary Committee. Once a student is expelled from the University, he has no opportunity of being re-admitted to the University again.

  • Carry-Over Courses

All carry over courses must be registered first for before additional courses are registered for. There is no limit to the number of times a student can retake a course examination carried over, but all marks scored in such examinations attempts shall appear in the students’ academic record and shall count in the final determination of his CGPA and, therefore his class of degree.

  • Late Registration of Courses: 

The normal period within which to complete all registration formalities shall be 2 weeks from the date of commencement of the registration exercise.

Registration formalities that are not completed within the first two weeks shall normally be regarded as LATE and shall attract a penalty fee unless acceptable reasons are given for the lateness.

  • Duration of Degree Courses

To qualify for an honours degree, a student shall complete all his/her degree requirements within the minimum period prescribed or a period not exceeding two additional years beyond the prescribed minimum duration.